ESL Conversation – Money – The materials are designed to help learners practice and improve their English speaking skills while discussing various aspects related to money such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing finances. The post includes helpful resources to aid in the language learning process. By using these materials, ESL learners can develop their communication skills and gain confidence in using English to talk about money matters in real-life situations.
Our ESL resources are free for everyone. We have collected the best ESL speaking practice handouts and contents for a variety of topics. The handouts and activities are online-friendly and flexible to meet all of your needs.
ESL Lesson 01 – Talking about Money
Level: Intermediate
Activity Time: 60 mins
This lesson focuses on how to read prices in dollars, money related vocabulary and idioms, and discussion questions about money and investing.
Passive Income
Level: Intermediate
Activity Time: 60 mins
Read a short passage about passive income and talk about it.

Money Discussion Handout
Topic discussion handout about money with vocabulary and discussion questions.
Time: 30 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate/Intermediate

Money Discussion Questions
Money discussion questions handout.
Time: 30 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate/Intermediate

Money Discussion
This handout is provided by
English discussion questions handout about money.
Time: 20 – 30 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate/Intermediate

Money Idioms Worksheet
Speaking practice handout using money idioms.
Time: 45 minutes
Level: Intermediate

Conversation – Money Opinions
This handout is provided by
ESL conversation handout to express opinions about money.
Time: 20 – 30 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate
Read how to buy used cars and save money.