Improving English Pronunciation in 3 Easy Steps

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If you are a non-native English speaker, you know that improving your English pronunciation is a daunting task. Especially if you are not a kid. Well, today is your lucky day because I’m going to tell you how to improve your English pronunciation in 3 easy steps: Knowledge, Practice, Feedback. By practicing and using these methods, you will be a step closer to sounding more like a native English speaker.

Step 1: Knowledge (Input)

Before you can say it, you need to know what it sounds like. You also need to learn how to make that sound. The knowledge portion of learning will always be the first step to learning anything new. You must know the fundamental basics and principles. This is the easy part. There are tons of free resources on the internet to get information on how to make a certain sound or how to say a certain word. Find out what pronunciation you want to improve and learn how to make that sound.

Step 2: Practice (Output)

Knowing how to do something and being able to do something is very different. After the knowledge step comes the practice step. Try saying the word or the sound as much as you can. You can practice reading the same word or words with the same sounds repeatedly. It’s all about repetition. The more you practice, the better you will become.

Step 3: Feedback

The third and final step is getting feedback on your pronunciation. Sometimes, you may think you sound like a native when in fact, you don’t. There are few ways you can get feedback. First, you can ask a native speaker. This person can be your teacher or a friend. However, hiring an English teacher can be expensive. If you are a little short on cash, I suggest using the technology available to you. On every smartphone, there is a dictation function on the keyboard. Practice saying the word into the dictation software on your phone or find one on the internet. If the software program can understand you, then most people will be able to understand you.

Improving English Pronunciation Final Words:

It will take time and effort to improve your English pronunciation. However, by studying and learning smart, you can improve much quicker. Also, it’s not always trying to speak with the perfect pronunciation. You just need to be understood. Try our 3 simple fundamental steps to improving your pronunciation today and sound a little more native than yesterday.

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