Intro and First Impression – Our ESL resources are free for everyone. Learn and practice introducing yourself and have a fun and engaging discussion about the importance of making a good first impression.
We have collected the best ESL speaking practice handouts and content for a variety of topics. The handouts and activities are online-friendly and flexible to meet all of your needs.

Intro and First Impression
Speaking handout for introducing yourself and making a good first impression.
Time: 30-45 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate/Intermediate

Introducing People
Speaking handout for introducing people to others.
Time: 30-45 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate/Intermediate

First Impressions – Discussion
Discussion worksheet about first impression.
Time: 30 – 45 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate/Intermediate

Introduction Discussion Handout
This handout is provided by
English introduction discussion handout.
Time: 30-45 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate/Intermediate

Gapfill Introduction Worksheet
This handout is provided by
English introduction gap fill worksheet.
Time: 30-45 minutes
Level: Pre-intermediate