Conversation Starter: Lesson 20

Conversation Starter

“Conversation Starter Lesson Series: Intermediate” is designed for intermediate-level ESL learners who want to improve their fluency and confidence in speaking English.

Each lesson includes an engaging reading material with audio, vocabulary and expressions, comprehension questions, and discussion questions to be used for one to one class, group class, or self-study for both online and offline classes.

Unit 4: Health and Wellness

Story 05: Home remedies and treatments

Key Lesson Vocabulary & Expressions: Look over and review before proceeding.

  1. Miserable
  2. Soothed
  3. Nutrition
  4. Sinuses
  5. Infection
  6. Ritual
  7. Comforting
  8. Symptom
  9. Germs
  10. Coming down with something

Read or Listen to the following passage:

I remember the first time I got really sick. I was only six years old, and it was the flu. I was miserable; I had a fever, a sore throat, and a headache. My mom took care of me, and she made me chicken noodle soup. I didn’t feel like eating anything, but when she brought me the soup, the smell was so good that I couldn’t resist it.

As soon as I took a sip, I felt better. The warm broth soothed my throat, and the vegetables and chicken gave me some much-needed nutrition. From that day on, whenever I got sick, my mom would make me chicken noodle soup, and it always made me feel better.

As I got older, I learned that there was actually some science behind why chicken noodle soup is good for you when you have a cold or the flu. The warm broth helps to clear your sinuses, and the vegetables and chicken provide your body with nutrients to help fight the infection.

Now, whenever I feel like I’m coming down with something, I make myself a big pot of chicken noodle soup. It’s become a comforting ritual for me, and I always feel like I’m taking good care of myself when I eat it.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. How old was the narrator when they first got sick?
  2. What symptoms did the narrator have when they were sick?
  3. Who took care of the narrator when they were sick?
  4. What effect did the chicken noodle soup have on the narrator?
  5. Why does the narrator still eat chicken noodle soup when they feel sick?xperience?

Conversations Starters:

  1. Do you believe in using home remedies to treat common ailments like colds and headaches? Why or why not?
  2. What are some of the most effective home remedies you have used or heard of?
  3. How do you decide whether to use home remedies or to seek medical advice from a doctor or healthcare professional?
  4. Do you think traditional or alternative medicine can be as effective as modern medicine? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever had a negative experience with modern medicine, such as side effects or misdiagnosis? What happened?
  6. Do you think there are any risks associated with using home remedies, such as allergic reactions or ineffective treatments? How can these risks be minimized?
  7. In your opinion, what role should doctors and healthcare professionals play in helping patients decide between home remedies and modern medicine?
  8. Have you ever tried a home remedy that was recommended to you by someone else, but it didn’t work for you? What did you do instead?
  9. Do you think home remedies can be more cost-effective than modern medicine? Why or why not?
  10. How can people balance the benefits of using home remedies with the need for evidence-based treatments and professional medical advice?

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