Conversation Starter: Lesson 16

Conversation Starter

“Conversation Starter Lesson Series: Intermediate” is designed for intermediate-level ESL learners who want to improve their fluency and confidence in speaking English.

Each lesson includes an engaging reading material with audio, vocabulary and expressions, comprehension questions, and discussion questions to be used for one to one class, group class, or self-study for both online and offline classes.

Unit 4: Health and Wellness

Story 01: Exercising

Key Lesson Vocabulary & Expressions: Look over and review before proceeding.

  1. Endorphins
  2. Sedentary lifestyle
  3. Cardio
  4. Strength training
  5. Bodyweight exercises
  6. Kickboxing
  7. Fresh
  8. Routine
  9. Motivate
  10. In the zone 

Read or Listen to the following passage:

I work out 5 times a week because it makes me feel good. It’s not just about getting in shape or losing weight (although those are nice side effects), it’s about the rush of endorphins and the sense of accomplishment that comes from pushing myself to be better.

I didn’t always love working out. In fact, I used to hate it. But then I started seeing the results – my clothes fit better, I had more energy, and I felt happier overall. Now I can’t imagine going back to a sedentary lifestyle.

I mix up my workouts to keep things interesting. Sometimes I’ll do cardio, like running or biking, and other times I’ll focus on strength training with weights or bodyweight exercises. I also like to take classes, like yoga or kickboxing, to keep things fresh.

Working out has become a part of my daily routine, and I look forward to it every day. It’s not always easy to motivate myself to get started, but once I’m in the zone, there’s no stopping me.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Why does the protagonist work out 5 times a week?
  2. What are some benefits the protagonist has seen from working out?
  3. Did the protagonist always enjoy working out? Why or why not?
  4. How does the protagonist keep their workouts interesting?
  5. How does the protagonist feel about working out now?

Conversations Starters:

  1. What kind of exercise do you enjoy doing the most?
  2. Why do you think exercise is important for overall health?
  3. Have you ever struggled with motivation to exercise? What did you do to overcome it?
  4. How has exercise impacted your mental health?
  5. Do you prefer exercising alone or with a partner/group? Why?
  6. Have you ever tried a new type of exercise that you didn’t like? What was it and why didn’t you enjoy it?
  7. How often do you think people should exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  8. Have you ever had an injury from exercise? What happened and how did you recover?
  9. How do you think technology has impacted the way people exercise?
  10. What kind of exercise or physical activity is trending or popular these days?

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